Spring is here! After the winter months, it is a time most people enjoy getting outside to embrace the warmer weather. You can often find lists online highlighting fun spring activities for you and your family. Gardening is a very popular spring hobby - but did you know that bearing down to lift those bags of soil, or mulch, is exerting downward pressure on your pelvic floor; a cause for prolapse.
What is prolapse?
The pelvic organs consist of the uterus, bowel and bladder. When one or more of the pelvic organs comes down or bulges into or out of the vagina, this is known as prolapse. Prolapse occurs when the weight-bearing or stabilizing structures (a network of pelvic floor muscles) weaken. Often people will describe the sensation as something "falling out".
Prolapse can happen for a number of reasons; chronic constipation, poor posture, a weak abdominal wall and rectus diastasis. Recti refers to your ab muscles called rectus abdominis and diastasis means separation. The separation of your rectus muscles is one cause for a weak abdominal wall.

Gardening Do’s and Don’ts
- Always maintain a neutral back. Posture is important! Hyperlordosis is an exaggerated curve in your low back (swayback) and hypolordosis is when the lumbar spine has too little of a curve (flatback). Both postures can negatively affect the support of the pelvic floor.
- Don’t hold your breath. Exhale with every effort; lifting, pushing, pulling, to reduce straining your pelvic floor.
- Never lift heavy weights that make you strain or cause you to hold your breath. Potted plants can be quite heavy and awkward to lift so ask a friend, neighbor or significant other for help.
- Take frequent breaks to avoid overworking yourself.
- Watch your body mechanics. Use proper lifting techniques: keep objects close to your body, bend at your knees, back neutral and breathe! Never lean over and reach to pick up an object.
- Pace yourself. You don’t have to weed, plant and mulch all in one day. Listen to your body, gardening should be enjoyable not painful.
Gardening can be a serious physical activity. Use these practical tips to satisfy your green thumb with a happy pelvic floor.
To learn more about prolapse, safe exercises and treatment options, speak with a pelvic health therapist in your region or visit https://www.lifemark.ca/services/pelvic-health to learn more about pelvic health physiotherapy.
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