The pelvic floor is the base of a group of muscles that play an important role in bladder and bowel control as well as sexual sensations.
People who experience pelvic pain often have pelvic floor dysfunction. They can have muscles that are too tight, too weak or a combination of both.
You probably don’t think about your pelvic floor very often, so here are five signs your pelvic floor might be trying to tell you something:
1. You have to cross your legs whenever you cough or sneeze (or even the thought of sneezing makes you nervous)
Urinary incontinence is a common symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction and should not be considered a normal part of aging or the aftermath of childbirth.
If you find yourself starting to step away from doing things you enjoy because of urinary leakage issues, then it is time to go see a pelvic floor physiotherapist for help.
2. You experience pain during intercourse or the thought of a gynecological exam makes you anxious
Pelvic pain is a symptom that 1 in 4 females and 1 in 3 males will experience in their lifetime. That's right, guys - you have pelvic floors too!
Dyspareunia or vaginismus are common terms used to describe this in females, while males are often diagnosed with prostatitis. However, an infection may not be found.
Pelvic floor overactivity may be the cause of pelvic pain symptoms. A physiotherapist can help you with this.
3. You are planning to get pregnant, you are pregnant, or you gave birth in the past
Women often ask when the best time is to be evaluated by a pelvic floor physiotherapist. The correct response is usually, “yesterday.”
In all seriousness, the best time to start thinking about your pelvic floor is before pregnancy. Early intervention can identify issues and address them so that the possibility of developing symptoms during the pregnancy or after delivery can be minimized.
The more you know, the better the outcome will be! However, it’s never too late either. Whether you just gave birth or your kids are off to university, a physiotherapist can help you with many issues.

4. Whenever you leave your house, you need to figure out in advance where all the public bathrooms are
Remember that Seinfeld episode where George showcases his near-encyclopedic knowledge of the best public bathrooms?
If you watched that and thought about how much you would benefit from having George’s knowledge, then it’s time you made an appointment for a pelvic floor assessment.
Normal voiding takes place about every 2-3 hours but if you find yourself running to the restroom any sooner than that or if your family jokes about your “small bladder,” you may be having issues with urinary urgency or frequency. Luckily, there is help for this.
5. You have issues with your bowels
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and constipation are symptoms that many of us struggle with, but are embarrassed or nervous to talk about.
Water intake and dietary fiber can help, but sometimes there can be an issue with the function of the pelvic floor muscles that allow smooth evacuation to occur (surprise: your pelvic floor controls this too!)
On the flip side, some people have trouble controlling their bowels or experience stool incontinence. This can also be a pelvic floor issue and definitely merits an assessment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist.
If you are struggling with any of these issues, we can help. Reach out to a pelvic floor physiotherapist near you to schedule an assessment. Your pelvic floor will thank you.
We can help you move and feel better.
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