Ontario Community Physiotherapy Clinic Program
Does OHIP fund physiotherapy services?
Yes. OHIP stands for Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Funding is provided through the Ontario Community Physiotherapy Clinic Program, and is available to eligible patients free of charge.
First, a doctor or nurse practitioner must refer you to the program*. Your physiotherapist will determine eligibility, complete an assessment, diagnose your condition and develop a treatment plan. Treatments will end when your goals have been achieved, when you can achieve your goals on your own or through a home exercise or community program, or when continuing physiotherapy would not help you improve.
*A referral from a doctor or nurse practitioner does not mean you are automatically approved to receive physiotherapy under this program.
What is covered?
OHIP covers the cost of in-clinic and virtual physiotherapy services for youth, seniors, and other patients to address a new injury, fall, accident or surgery, or situations where symptoms have become worse and affect function.
There is no pre-set limit to the number of treatments you can receive. The number is based on your individual treatment plan and the progress you are making towards achieving your goals.
What is not covered?
OHIP does not cover physiotherapy if you:
- Want to maintain an existing level of function or ability to move
- Want long-term rehabilitation (talk to your health care provider for options)
- Need specialized services (e.g. for stroke and heart attack recovery)
- Receive other physiotherapy services funded through auto insurance, the Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB), or by other government-funded health care programs (e.g. in-home physiotherapy)
Ontario government funded physiotherapy eligibility tool
Use this tool to find out if you might be eligible for OHIP funded physiotherapy*.

Accessing government funded physiotherapy
Many of our clinics across Ontario offer OHIP funded physiotherapy services. If you meet the required criteria and have a referral, contact a clinic near you. Please note that your referral may only be used at one clinic.