Available at multiple locations
Crowchild Twin Arena
185 Scenic Acres Drive N.W.Calgary,AlbertaT3L 1L4
As a physiotherapist, D'Arcy has witnessed the power of movement. His goal is to help my patients remove the barriers that limit their physical potential and mental wellbeing. His mission is to help you attain power, confidence, and independence through the acquisition of knowledge and physical experience in a safe environment.
To move more quickly from pain to power, we might use IMS dry needling, KT taping, trigger point/myofascial release, spinal manipulation, progressive loading, and learn about pain theory.
D'Arcy started my vestibular training with Lifemark in 2006 and completed the vestibular program at Emory in Atlanta in 2010. As a clinician who has treated concussion and vestibular loss five days a week for the past fifteen years, he is quite familiar with the management of injuries in this domain. I have learned that sensory awareness and “knowing thyself” have the most profound impact on recovery. Although these injuries are complex, recovery often comes from mastery of the simplest things.
His vision of health stems from the daily nourishment of the following; mental calmness, physical calmness, physical challenge, mental challenge, and joy. However you choose to define these terms, engage in each of them every day and you will be moving toward the best version of yourself.
He believes that if the mind and body can be separated, then the healing of both comes from restoring the balance between them. The most exciting part is that it’s never too late to begin.
If you have any questions, please call us at 403-288-8877 or email us at crowchild@lifemark.ca
- PT, BScPT, IMS, Certificate in Vestibular Rehab 2010