Available at multiple locations
201 – 31 Northside RoadOttawa,OntarioK2H 8S1
Carol Banens has over 30 years experience as a physiotherapist, with a strong background in orthopaedics and manual therapy. She has taken numerous acupuncture courses and is certified with the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute (CAFCI).
Carol has taken additional training in the Myofascial Release Approach from John F. Barnes, CranioSacral Therapy from the Upledger institute, and courses from Suzanne Scurlock Durana’s Healing form the core curriculum. Because of Carol’s specific interest in helping people with chronic pain and complex regional pain syndromes, she has kept up to date with the latest research in pain science.
She has taken courses with David Butler and Lorimer Mosely of the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute (NOI) on "Explain Pain" and Graded Motor Imagery. She also uses http://www.dermoneuromodulation.com/ as created by Diane Jacobs.
Carol’s compassionate approach includes taking the time to explain pain to her patients in terms that they can understand, listening to their issues, and working with them to regain the best outcome possible. Carol also has her ARCT piano and has an interest in treating musicians.