Snowshoeing is an outdoor activity that can be done in virtually all types of winter weather. Due to their long and wide design, snowshoes distribute a person's weight over a larger area, making for easier travel over ice and snow. Snowshoeing has been growing steadily in popularity over the last few years.
After the initial cost of a pair of snowshoes and warm winter clothing, it’s a very affordable means of having fun in the wintertime. It doesn’t require a pass to the ski-hill or registration fees like other popular winter sports. Just grab your snowshoes and take to your local hiking trails.
Snowshoeing offers many health benefits, such as cardiovascular conditioning, balance and agility. Did you know? Snowshoeing is an optimal winter sport for individuals suffering from hip, knee, or ankle pain. Due to the soft snow and weight distribution, snowshoeing is a lower-impact and affordable alternative to walking while burning twice the calories.
In addition to walking/hiking, Snow-ga (or Snowshoe Yoga) has become a popular sporting activity. After a warm up, try these three simple yoga poses.

If you’re having difficulty participating in your favourite winter activities due to pain or loss of function, book in with your preferred Lifemark health practitioner and get back to life.
We can help you move and feel better.
Book an appointment today.