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Know your Pilates - clinical Pilates versus traditional Pilates

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017

Clinical Pilates is an adaptation of traditional Pilates. It is taught one-on-one by a physiotherapist and may be the perfect therapy to help strengthen core muscles and prevent or rehabilitate injuries.

Clinical Pilates is a modified form of exercise developed by physiotherapists to help with the rehabilitation and prevention of muscular injuries. Specialized equipment such as reformers and trapeze tables can be used along with floor exercises, and exercises performed on a ball. Spring-loaded equipment is a major component of clinical Pilates.

One of the major focuses of this type of therapy is the development of strength in the core muscles - the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Along with this, clinical Pilates focuses on postural education and allowing optimal movement in the body.

A physiotherapist closely supervises a client’s technique and grades the exercise to better prevent injuries.

physiotherapist with pilates machine

Benefits of clinical Pilates include:

  • Correction of poor mechanics that underlie injuries
  • Firmer and flatter stomach muscles
  • Better control over breathing
  • Overall body toning
  • Identifying the cause of injury
  • Improved posture and flexibility
  • Improved core stabilization
  • Less likelihood of injury
  • Safe injury management
  • One-on-one treatment with a physiotherapist

man working with physiotherapist on machine

Who can benefit from clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is suitable for people who have musculoskeletal pain or injury. It is particularly good if symptoms are recurrent or chronic, or if there are motor control problems.

It can also help with post-surgical strengthening, such as in the lower back, sacroiliac joint, hip, shoulder and neck. In pre-natal and post-natal women, clinical Pilates increases pelvic floor strength and control for prevention and relief of lower back and pelvic pain, and for body reshaping and toning. People with postural problems find clinical Pilates helpful as it allows them to develop awareness of their body, as well as increasing strength and flexibility. 

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