A new year often marks when new commitments are made to a health and fitness routine. Here are some tips to help you be successful in reaching your goals this year.
Be intentional and specific
An achievable goal often starts with being intentional about the steps to reach it along with defining the specific outcome. Being intentional can mean different things for different people. Perhaps you prefer write out your path in a notebook, or verbally tell a friend or family member where you hope to be. Both cases involve a purposeful decision about what you want to achieve. Have an idea but not sure where to start? Sometimes bigger goals are more effectively reached through a series of smaller achievements which can also be specifically defined and measured.
Consider guidance
Guidance from a health and fitness professional can be an excellent way to remain accountable to your goals. They can also help you set realistic expectations depending on your circumstances.
A physiotherapist can help you work through longstanding injuries or new aches and pains that come up along the way.
A fitness professional, such as a kinesiologist, can help you get started and recommend effective and safe progressions.
Trust the process

Sample fitness goals:
By summer of this year, I want to successfully hike a mountain with my daughter.
Step 1: Improve my core and lower body strength - consult with fitness professional every 2-4 weeks for an exercise routine and progressions.
Step 2: Ensure that I have the correct fitness equipment in my home to exercise.
Step 3: Schedule 1 hour of time 4 days per week in my calendar to exercise and record my workouts in my journal.
Step 4: Hike at least 3 easier trails by spring.
This year I want to be consistent with a total body exercise routine 4 times per week at the local gym.
Step 1: Tour a few gyms in the area and decide where to get a membership.
Step 2: Consult with a physiotherapist to get treatment for my knee pain so that I can exercise more comfortably. Ask them about the best exercises to ease into my workouts in the gym.
Step 3: Participate in an exercise program 2-3 days per week. Progress exercises every 2-4 weeks. Add an additional exercise day after 4-6 weeks. Plan to consult with my physiotherapist should I experience new ongoing aches and pains, and check in on my goals and achievements so far.
Step 4: Become comfortable with at least 2 different total body exercise programs by spring that I can do consistently to maintain the fitness level that I have achieved.
As you work towards your health and fitness goals throughout the year, know that our multidisciplinary team is here to help you achieve your goals and help you every step of the way.
We can help you move and feel better.
Book an appointment today.